Legislative Branch Investigations
IRS Fraud 16th Amendment Investigation
Federal Reserve Investigation
Alphabet Soup Investigation
Mentally Disabled Investigation
9/11 Investigation WTC Complex
Pandemic Investigation
Campaign Funding Investigation American People’s NETWORK
2020 Election Fraud Investigation
Joe Biden Treason & Other Crimes Investigation
Tony Fauci Treason & Other Crimes Investigation
Nancy Pilosi Treason & Other Crimes Investigation
Lobbists Investigation Make lobbying illegal
Stock Market Ponzi Scheme Investigation
OUT of DATE Traffic Lights in US
18 Wheeler Limits on Window of Hours on Road
Corrupt Judicial System-FIX
1 5 4 2 3 8 7 6
DO NOT Call List Change Law & Enforce
Volumn on Commercials add to Net, etc.
Look into Subliminal Messaging
Investigate Area 51, Dulce, Wright-Pattterson, etc.
Full investigation into HAARP
Full investigation into CERN
Full investigation Project Blue Beam (Hologram Technology)
Chuck SchumerTreason & Other Crimes Investigation
Move Congress out of Washington and to Districts
Term limits on ALL seats including President (excluding Judicial) 2 year terms-max 4.
Maximum Pre-Election Hoopla 1 mos. for incumbents. 6 mos. for new faces (challengers) Online only.
EMF Radiation Health Threat from Electric Cars
Cloud Seeding? Yes or No It seems to work in China
Donald Rumsfeld says 2.3 trillion missing. Lets find it.
Investigate Pharmaceuticals
Investigate Medical Conglomerates
Investigate Chemtrails